Friday, 16 September 2011
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
The Gift...
It was his 1st birthday after their marriage… She was so excited to gift him something special.Though they had love marriage and she knew all his liking, she was confused. She wanted to gift him something that he will really love and will make his day memorable.She called up their few friends and arranged surprise party for him. Went for shopping and came back with lots of gifts wrapped in shining paper, that will bring big smile on his face.
Just a day before his birthday, she was out for shopping, to buy some food items n other stuff.. She stopped at the shop and buy another gift for him. Next day they spent whole day together… She cooked for him, they had party in the evening, he met all his old friends, after such a long time… She was yet to give any of the gifts. He was also waiting for her gift but did not say anything. After party they went for long drive and then she gifted him with… Rubik's Cube… The gift was unique… Puzzles always used to excite him… He was impressed.
He started solving the cube colors whenever he gets time. It was an easy puzzle for him. Everyday he used to solve it partially and used to leave home in the morning. When he used to come back, all the efforts he had put were used be in vain, someone used to change everything and each face of cube used to have almost every color. Initially he thought, it's his wife who tries to solve the puzzle but could not and with all her efforts things are becoming tough. But he was happy, his wife was taking interest in his liking. A lot of days passed, but none of them could solve the cube, Not his wife nor he, because of his wife.
Then came a long weekend and he decided to finish up with the puzzle. He struggled for the whole day, and when he was almost done, got friend’s call. He received the call, put the cube on table. After half an hr when he came back to the room and wanted to resume with his puzzle, found his wife attempting with the cube. He saw, his wife was not trying to solve the puzzle, but she was making it unsolved again… He got frustrated and screamed at her, ”what the hell r u doing, I spent my whole day in solving this, n now u r ruining all my effort”. He was very angry, now he knew why he could not solve the puzzle for so many days. With all anger he left the home.
Cool wind had it's job done… he was back with his happy go lucky temper and was convinced with her genuine efforts and his mistake as well. It was almost 10.30 pm when he returned back. She was sleeping on her side of bed and a letter was resting in peace, on his side. He read it and fall in love with her… again…
Friday, 26 August 2011
हे आभाळ छोटसं तिच्या पुरतं..
ते आभाळ दूरवर पसरलेलं
ह्या आभाळची तिच्यावर प्रचंड माया…
ते आभाळ तिच्या मायेवर जगणारं…
ह्या आभाळनी तिचं बालपण जपलायं…
ते आभाळ तिच्या बालपणाला समजूतदारपनाची किनार जोडतंय..
हे आभाळ नेहीमीच जुन्या आठवणिनी भरून आलेलं…
ते आभाळ आठवणींचा वर्षाव करून मोकळं झालेल…
ह्या आभाळात असंख्य स्वप्नांचे तारे…
ते आभाळ डोळ्यातल्या स्वप्नाना चमक देणारं…
हे आभाळ भरभरून प्रेम आणि सुख देणारं…
ते आभाळ आव्हानं आणि त्यापाठोपाठ समाधान घेऊन जागवणनार…
हे आभाळ निरांजनातल्या दिव्या सारखं शांत…
ते आभाळ पावसाच्या थेंबांसारखा बरसंनार….
हे आभाळ तिचं.. छोटसं तिच्या पुरतं…
ते आभाळ सुद्धा तिचं, तिला ओढ लावणारं…
हे आभाळ छोटसं तिच्या पुरतं..
ते आभाळ दूरवर पसरलेलं
ह्या आभाळची तिच्यावर प्रचंड माया…
ते आभाळ तिच्या मायेवर जगणारं…
ह्या आभाळनी तिचं बालपण जपलायं…
ते आभाळ तिच्या बालपणाला समजूतदारपनाची किनार जोडतंय..
हे आभाळ नेहीमीच जुन्या आठवणिनी भरून आलेलं…
ते आभाळ आठवणींचा वर्षाव करून मोकळं झालेल…
ह्या आभाळात असंख्य स्वप्नांचे तारे…
ते आभाळ डोळ्यातल्या स्वप्नाना चमक देणारं…
हे आभाळ भरभरून प्रेम आणि सुख देणारं…
ते आभाळ आव्हानं आणि त्यापाठोपाठ समाधान घेऊन जागवणनार…
हे आभाळ निरांजनातल्या दिव्या सारखं शांत…
ते आभाळ पावसाच्या थेंबांसारखा बरसंनार….
हे आभाळ तिचं.. छोटसं तिच्या पुरतं…
ते आभाळ सुद्धा तिचं, तिला ओढ लावणारं…
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Friendship Day Diary
“Atharv” (6 yrs)
Today I got bored in school. Teacher asks us to repeat all poems everyday. I do not like it. Today I got new friend “Sakshi”. She was wearing red frock. Red is my favorite color. But she was repeating those boring poems along with teacher so I do not like her. Today Dada bought few ribbons, with different colors. He had few ribbons tied on his hand. I asked him what are those for. He never answers my questions, and says U r a kid. I guess he also don’t know why to have ribbons. But then mom told me, its friend day or something today. So Dada n his friends tied those ribbons on each other’s wrist. I could not understand why to do so, but I told mom that me too want those ribbons, I am also a big boy now. Mom agreed to it, bt took promise that tomorrow morning I wont trouble her and drink my milk without any complains. I will tie the ribbon on Sakshi’s hand. I have some confusion, which part of hand is actually called as wrist. O but I need to practice to tie a knot… I will handle it I am a big boy now.
“Mohit” (12 yrs)
Day was ok ok types. As usual teachers taught boring lessons. Can’t they understand we don’t like boring lectures. Today was friendship day. Bought friendship bands. This time my bands had completely different look. It had racing cars pictures on it. Looks very nice on wrist. I didn’t tie them of wrist of those boring girls from my class. Their chats are so boring, they don’t even know what’s the latest version of the various video games. We can understand they don’t have that much brains as well… nyways enjoyed a lot with friends … Met at “Rishi”’s place. His parents are nice… at least they don’t ask to do this and that… We really had a blast on this Friendship day…
“Maitreyee” (18 yrs)
Today was friendship day… started with phone calls n SMS to wish each other. Me and “Priya” chat almost for 2 hrs…Went to college, but already had plan of mass bunk… Its friendship day after all, we have to have fun. Tied bands on wrists of friends. As usual “Payal” started comparing them, how can she compare prices of friendship bands, pathetic u knw. Went to “Wyadeshwar” hotel, was overcrowded. We waited for an hr, n finally got the table. “Akash” suggested for a movie, we didn’t get tickets, so had fun with bowling. It was late then so he came to drop me at my place. Today “Priya” suggested me to tell him my feelings, bt I said its friendship day n not Valentine’s day. If I say anything today, I might even loose friendship. “Priya” had senti dialogue on this as well “Its friendship day, don’t ask any thing from u r friend, just give them u r friendship”. I seriously can’t understand from where she get all these dialogues. But this time she was right… after long time :) :)
“Anish” (27 yrs)
My very first friendship day, here in US. As usual had hectic day at ofc. I simply can’t understand what offshore team does. For every small issue they call us. Anyways, today was friendship day. All my new friends and colleagues decided to have blast in the evening. We gathered at John’s pub. Small place but was full of energetic, enthusiastic young crowd. I am yet to understand what’s the lower and upper limit of age to get called as “YOUNG”, here in US. Every one was drinking and dancing, enjoying like anything. We also had our drinks, danced (I am very bad at that). John’s pub has same scene everyday, but today crowd was much more, n they had official reason to celebrate.
After returning back, just checked out the mails, mail box was full of friendship day mails. Wonderful mails. Every mail filled with a lot of meaning and memories of those friends. That fun at CCD, those fights for ridding bikes, those discussions... Its Friendship day today, n I m all alone here in US...
“Gauri” (40 yrs)
Today was Tanu’s birthday. As usual me n Milind wanted to make it memorable for her. I was on leave; the happiness on her face was priceless. Me n Tanu played her favorite games in the morning. Milind came at around 1.30. We had our lunch n then our family celebration. Milind gave her all the gifts… new Barbie, soft toys, coloring book set. I prepared chocolates for her; her cute little eyes were shining. We had small party in the evening, my as well as Milind’s parents came for their dearest grand daughter. I also didn’t know, but they gifted her a bicycle. Surprise gift and lots of blessing. Tanu’s friends were happy with b’day party menu and so was Tanu.
Since morning my cell was ringing, mostly messages, but didn’t attended any. I didn’t want to disturb my family life, with those messages from office colleagues. But those were messages from my friends, It was friendship day today. I forgot it completely. Replied to messages and got lost with those wonderful memories. Milind is also wishing his friend…. Yes we had lots of fun with them, leg pulling, trips together… now they r not just friends but our supporters…. They bring same old joy in our life to make it colorful again… Thank you friends… and Happy friendship day…
“Avinash” (53 yrs)
Since morning, Saurabh’s phone was ringing n then almost 30 min chat. And between two calls messaging. Finally I lost my patience and ask him what’s the matter. He replied its friendship day… I tell you this generation, they just want a reason to have parties and celebrations, rather they create reasons like this … someone shud to tell them, friendship don’t require such days to celebrate. N what all these boys and girls do? Gather at some place, have their favorite food, drinks, laugh aloud and try to show how cool they are. I hate all this show off, but I know, Saurabh, rather any child these days won’t listen to parents just because they are telling. They will ask you questions and then they will need convincing answers. They are also correct, just because we couldn’t question our parents doesn’t mean new generation should also not.
Its about 10.30 pm, n Saurabh is yet to come. But I proud of my son, he is at the hospital with his friend. His friend’s father had an accident, he is ok now but the young boy got really scared. Obviously, he is just 17yrs old. But I really appreciate other boys, they left party, and within next few mins they were at the hospital. My children, you really celebrated the Friendship day…
“Shrirang” (65 yrs)
Now a days I can’t sleep after 4am. So from today I started pranayam along with yoga. My time pass and it’s also good for health. Since yesterday my grand daughter “Saloni” was collecting those colorful satin ribbons. She told me its friendship day tomorrow that’s today. I don’t know how these children do this all but thought lets celebrate. I bought few roses, florist told me, yellow is the color for friendship. These kids are wonderful, they want everything to be cleared, no complications, no confusions. I gave roses to my friends at jogging park. They got surprised that I know all this. Felt really good. My son was criticizing this new generation.
But really, we meet so many people in our life. Few remain stranger, few become acquaintances n few really special become our friends. We play, sing, dance, chat, share secrets, help, sacrifices for them. So what’s wrong in expressing our feeling for them… Expressing they are and will always be special for us… Friends forever…
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Tiger - The Dog
Got confused…?? Ok let me clear its all abt the Dog with name Tiger. This confusion and so called fun came to our life coz of my sister. She is fond of dogs, I guess of all the animals that can be classified as pets. Fortunately she was not allowed to have Tiger as a pet so she bought really cute (for her) and ugly (for me) dog to our home and named him as “Tiger”. When I met him first time, me and Tiger, both of us were staring each other, me with hate and he with innocent friendly eyes…
Few days, after the arrival of this new member in our family everybody was behind him. My sis arranged a box as his home and decorated it (She is really bad with asthetics). My ma was also bz with trying new recipes for our few months old doggie - TheTiger. Papa was bz with training him and taking him out for walk. Everybody was happy with his arrival. I was in distance relationship with him… I used to keep 10 feet distance n that too standing…
Tiger was getting Taller, Stronger and Sharper (no horlicks effect) with our food and everyday ma used to wonder y is not case with me n my sis. With every passing day he used to entertain us with his new tricks, smartness. I was never one of those admirers but all those things used to surprise me, how can a small dog can understand, think, feel …
He used to wander everywhere in our colony. To find n get him back home was another major task for my sister (no wonder she herself likes to wander here n there). Tiger’s age and size was increasing and so was his popularity… Kids used to play with him… n old buddies used to chat with him… In short everybody used to like him except me… He was brave u knw… He used to fight with other street dogs n all, with his protection (I mean one of our family members) around. I used to tz my sis saying, it’s really difficult to find whos master amongst them.
Tiger was my neither my friend nor my enemy. He was just a dog… an animal… U knw in school as well, I could never wrote few decent lines on topic “My Favorite animal Dog”. Some how I feel dogs (rather any animal) is good but in it’s original habitat… The animal should be as close to nature as possible…(Including human being). We should respect there capabilities, should help them, save them but, at least me, can’t bring them at home…
It was heavily raining, me and my sis got late, and as we enter our home… can’t describe the scene. Dead silence… My parents were sad, no words were coming out, it was simply scary. Yes it was the silence of death… death of our Tiger… My sis started weeping like anything… She was unstoppable… my parents were trying to console her… I couldn’t understand how, why, when it all happened but yes tears were rolling down on my face as well. We were really upset for few days… It felt like Tiger’s decorated home, plate, his all favorite places, everything was silently weeping… I simply could not look at his empty place… He was not our pet bt was our family member… he loved us n so we do… we shared so many happy, funny, sad moments together and now his not there to make us laugh, play, not even to get angry.
After few days, papa put proposal of new pet, and this time it was my Sister who opposed strongly, she could not dare to have another one… Now I knw why I don’t like pets, they not only occupy space in your house but also the special corner of your heart… the space in your home may get empty but existence of that beloved one in your heart can’t get empty neither it can be replaced…
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Hold My Hand Till The End
Hold my hand till the end of this rain…
Till the end of this life…
For u staring at those drops on my face…
For u holding my hand tight, in lighting…
For those drops and moments that are locked in our hands…
Not because I can’t take care of myself…
To prove me that I really can’t
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Blue Melody - The Other side
Few days back I read the blog
We were in the auto and it suddenly came upon her. Like that only. I simply can’t understand why few things happen.
We were quite ok till I told her about that article. It was saying that women can’t control their emotions and men who write about them should be shot. The author called women as “hysterical creatures” and was a bit rude and harsh towards female community. I also believe some or the other way, almost every woman I know comes into this category. She looked at me and started crying.
I simply couldn’t understand the reason. She was giving the proof of what was said. Reluctance towards the reason came on my face n it made her cry harder. What tears unseen worth anyway?
If I'd waited any longer, the auto driver would turned and offered her a sympathetic shoulder and that wouldn't just do. So asked her, ”why are you crying?”
Oh god I hate this, she never accepts when she cry. I asked her many a times but she denied the fact and continued with her tears. I simply can’t understand, do she really needs my sympathy or just wanna test my restlessness. Finally she gave me the reason which was quite expected, and I could not find it that much worth.
I simply hold her shoulder.
Those simple drops of water. No man can see his love crying… it’s not because men don’t know how to console. But those drops of water wipe out our smile, peace, hope everything. We men always claim to be the stronger than women, but when it comes to expressing our feelings, we are just loosers.
Distraction from the pain is the best way for its cure.
I simply hold her firmly and started reading the boards of the various shops we pass them by. One by one.
"Cell city"
I guess she stops crying. I can not dare to look at her and revisit the pain again.
Simple situation but the way it was narrated, it was awesome and really touched my heart. I was standing by her side and watching the scene.
But what about him? What he must have felt? How does it look from his side?
So here is just a try to peep into His mind. It might not give exact impression of his thoughts but just a guess.

We were quite ok till I told her about that article. It was saying that women can’t control their emotions and men who write about them should be shot. The author called women as “hysterical creatures” and was a bit rude and harsh towards female community. I also believe some or the other way, almost every woman I know comes into this category. She looked at me and started crying.
I simply couldn’t understand the reason. She was giving the proof of what was said. Reluctance towards the reason came on my face n it made her cry harder. What tears unseen worth anyway?
If I'd waited any longer, the auto driver would turned and offered her a sympathetic shoulder and that wouldn't just do. So asked her, ”why are you crying?”
Oh god I hate this, she never accepts when she cry. I asked her many a times but she denied the fact and continued with her tears. I simply can’t understand, do she really needs my sympathy or just wanna test my restlessness. Finally she gave me the reason which was quite expected, and I could not find it that much worth.
I simply hold her shoulder.
Those simple drops of water. No man can see his love crying… it’s not because men don’t know how to console. But those drops of water wipe out our smile, peace, hope everything. We men always claim to be the stronger than women, but when it comes to expressing our feelings, we are just loosers.
Distraction from the pain is the best way for its cure.
I simply hold her firmly and started reading the boards of the various shops we pass them by. One by one.
"Cell city"
"Juice wagon"
"Jolly tailors"
"Lovely snacks"
I guess she stops crying. I can not dare to look at her and revisit the pain again.
There is a blue cloth that flaps by the mirror in the auto. It makes a nice warm sound in the wind.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
As usual I was waiting for my bus and she came. She..4-5 years old cute girl. Her mummy was caring her big tiffin bag n small bag with a book. she was singing her favorite (i think so) poem. Asking her mummy to pay attention to her and not to others. She had continuous smile on her face. was jumping... laughing... screaming... no tension at all. Her cute smile attracted me and then onwards I started staring at her. Within few days noticed she sings different poem everyday n if her mummy tries to correct her mistake or pronunciation, she says teacher told her in that way and teacher is correct. Her cute smile... her energy... her innocence... u guys must have seen the waterfall, boundary less. This cute girl reminds me of waterfall...We are just to feel it... and no words can describe that feeling.
With my ear phones playing radio songs, I saw a group of 4-5 boys crossed the road and they started their chat. Their cloths and hairstyle was saying, they are about 15-16 years old. They were tzing each other. Were discussing and laughing about some weired habits of their tuition teacher. Were gossiping about girls from their tuition...Cricket... bikes...coldrinks...n what not. They were continuously smiling. How ?? Is it because they don't have office.. or they can bunk their tensions... or they are with friends.. with their favorite topics.. They were changing the topics at the speed more that 90kmph. Their smile was like a rainbow... with different colors all together...
Now I think my day starts with radio and I feel like I am the only person listing to FM stations. Waiting is most the irritating thing.
One day suddenly a girl came and stood next to me. She is elder than me, married and having a baby(She only told me). She looked at me and smiled. We were completely strangers but then we got to know we are working with same company. At 7.30 in the morning she was so full of energy. She was talking about so many things...about company, carrier, her family, her son... and I was listing and replying to everything as if we knew each other for so long. Then I noticed one thing in her voice... her happiness, satisfaction, success. She was having lovely kid, caring and supportive family, bright carrier..everything that a simple girl will wish... Her smile was like perfect Sunny day.
One day suddenly a girl came and stood next to me. She is elder than me, married and having a baby(She only told me). She looked at me and smiled. We were completely strangers but then we got to know we are working with same company. At 7.30 in the morning she was so full of energy. She was talking about so many things...about company, carrier, her family, her son... and I was listing and replying to everything as if we knew each other for so long. Then I noticed one thing in her voice... her happiness, satisfaction, success. She was having lovely kid, caring and supportive family, bright carrier..everything that a simple girl will wish... Her smile was like perfect Sunny day.
This office bus requires me to follow some time lines. A fixed routine. but every day I watch few health conscious people taking morning walk. Don't know but some how I feel, most of them are following their routines religiously but are actually bored with it. Everyday I watch a couple..Uncle 55-56 yrs old and aunty of age 52-53. They look simply made for each other. And within few days I noticed that during the walk they share views about books, movies, politics etc. I have seen them discussing a lot of many times but never fighting about their opinions. On one lazy Monday morning I got late and crossed the couple at different location and not the usual one. Aunty saw me.. she smiled at me.. and said "Run, else you will miss the bus.." we all laughed... then onwards we exchange smiles ..we don't know each other, still a smile connects us everyday.
On bus stop I got the new hobby. I try to find out what can be the reason that took a person out at so early in the morning. One day I saw a man ... stick in hand, gray hair, face with lots of wrinkles and listening music from Apple Ipod. He looked like a perfect Grandpa.. At this age also he takes so good care of his health.. He was passing and suddenly he met with his friend...almost of his age...both of them were so happy to see each other... they got surprised. The smile and happiness was just overflowing from their faces. Their eyes got a different shine.Suddenly they got so much of energy to recollect their golden memories... that erased all the wrinkles from their faces.
We know law of conservation of energy. It says total amount of energy always remain constant and it just gets converted from one form into other..but Smile is another form of energy which never remains can simply replicate and increase... so whats the real form of smile?? I think I need to find it please help me and Just smile :)
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Thousand Thoughts...
Today im writing something just for...??? i don't even knw y im writing (at lest in school i used knw d reason for writing the essay of course coz was compulsory) I don't have topic with me..I have lot many options..i can select nything i want..lyk... My words r free..they can express better...but what??? what r they wanna feelings..emotions..story...poem...just a sentence what??? Its just a random thought of blogging...yes this word "Blog" ..this word started it thinking..writing..erasing...rewriting my main function is 'BLOG' calling many other functions..recursively..randomly... c here, also there is no need of getting into such a technical lang. but my mind is dragging me to that path...
Have u ppl saw some pic of network of nerves inside our body..thoughts r similar... we just get confused with what nerve leads where...xact picture is coming in front of me....rather i can c the image of that man who has his xray pic in every science book..ok lets get back to original subject..thoughts...
so they just don't come n go ...but sometimes have audio,visual effects..i guess the dreams..but then ppl say if u wish something very strongly then u c all those things in dreams...happening in front of u.. but my Q is ppl c horrifying dreams.. they want that thing to happen strongly?? doesn't sounds to b must b having some scientific reason behind it...My thoughts r again dragging me away from main topic...
so thoughts...y at first place thoughts are der...I knw a bit weired Q..n most of u think its unusual territory for me (me too think so)...hey this was my status on FB few dayz back..nw have to find out something else...interesting.. :) FB allows shuffle status..have to get that appli...c again getting dragged :(
This mind or soul whom so ever is concern should have a control knob... hhmmm my another Q is whoz the actual culprit..mind or soul??... r they 1 n d same or diff?? in any case Y?? Ok so lets start with sorting out with these Qs? no no again I changed topic..u just pinch me whenever i will change the topic...
so d topic is thoughts...sometimes they just fall on u..n b4 u open ur eyes they form a big cloud in front of u... n u gets lost in that dense cloud...white colored...though there r multiple thoughts..each with different color...together they give whitewash effect...light is also a combination of seven diff colors..but when they form light.. it beats all the darkness around...thoughts...form a white cloud n together they removes darkness in life... wah what a logic!!! bt in my case together they ..i mean thoughts...just mess up me a lot many options..n then i dont knw what to do..sometimes its really gud to have no option...
Sorry sorry don't pinch ...i knw i changed it again..i will stop here else u ppl will get so many changes to pinch me..i will get hurt...u ppl will get another topic to laugh at me..k i cant even stick to one topic..hey c my topic is giving u another topic nice na...
ok ok sorry... :) :)
Have u ppl saw some pic of network of nerves inside our body..thoughts r similar... we just get confused with what nerve leads where...xact picture is coming in front of me....rather i can c the image of that man who has his xray pic in every science book..ok lets get back to original subject..thoughts...
so they just don't come n go ...but sometimes have audio,visual effects..i guess the dreams..but then ppl say if u wish something very strongly then u c all those things in dreams...happening in front of u.. but my Q is ppl c horrifying dreams.. they want that thing to happen strongly?? doesn't sounds to b must b having some scientific reason behind it...My thoughts r again dragging me away from main topic...
so thoughts...y at first place thoughts are der...I knw a bit weired Q..n most of u think its unusual territory for me (me too think so)...hey this was my status on FB few dayz back..nw have to find out something else...interesting.. :) FB allows shuffle status..have to get that appli...c again getting dragged :(
This mind or soul whom so ever is concern should have a control knob... hhmmm my another Q is whoz the actual culprit..mind or soul??... r they 1 n d same or diff?? in any case Y?? Ok so lets start with sorting out with these Qs? no no again I changed topic..u just pinch me whenever i will change the topic...
so d topic is thoughts...sometimes they just fall on u..n b4 u open ur eyes they form a big cloud in front of u... n u gets lost in that dense cloud...white colored...though there r multiple thoughts..each with different color...together they give whitewash effect...light is also a combination of seven diff colors..but when they form light.. it beats all the darkness around...thoughts...form a white cloud n together they removes darkness in life... wah what a logic!!! bt in my case together they ..i mean thoughts...just mess up me a lot many options..n then i dont knw what to do..sometimes its really gud to have no option...
Sorry sorry don't pinch ...i knw i changed it again..i will stop here else u ppl will get so many changes to pinch me..i will get hurt...u ppl will get another topic to laugh at me..k i cant even stick to one topic..hey c my topic is giving u another topic nice na...
ok ok sorry... :) :)
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